Open Mat

7AM – 9 AM

Tuesday, Thursday, Friday

Some days will be on your own with getting yourself warmed up and addressing technique & tactics between you and your partner. Other days we will add structure to the practice depending on upcoming competitions and consistencies amongst the group. Be ready to learn some new styles and share your favorite moves!

The weight equipment is available to use at this time. Get jacked!

All ages and levels are welcome with a USA Wrestling membership.

Required. If you know you have one but do not remember the number make a note of that above. If you need one please follow the website for a link to purchase one.
Price: $ 100.00
In checking the box, I agree that my credit card will be charged monthly in the amount I enter here and that I am responsible for all payments. Payments will continue until I end the agreement.
$ 0.00
Payment will be automatically deducted on a monthly basis.

Our competition athletes

Mitch Cook (Beach, Folkstyle) – Orland Park, IL

Tom Higgins (Folkstyle, Catch) – Oak Forest, IL

Tim Duffy (Folkstyle, Beach, Catch) – Orland Park, IL

Louis Rojas (Folkstyle, Catch) – Oak Forest, IL

Corey Hardesty (Catch, Folkstyle) – Orland Park, IL

Once you sign up and have an up-to-date USA Wrestling membership you are eligible to attend any & all of the above practices